Heja! It has been a long time since the latest news, but the following a red-hot news! Yesterday morning it starting snowing and till night it did not stop. That is why we were able to have a snow bath and snowball fights after the sauna instead of the boring shower. 🙂 That was insane fun!
… and the fun was going on today. In the evening i went to another Dormitory, where we had another epic snowball battle. We made a snowman and Albert came up with the idea to create a monster.
Unfortunately i was not able to write about my life here in Finnland within the past weeks. University and work are taking all my time. Especially the group works and assignment are taking a lot of effort and when there is freetime i enjoy it being outside and avoid the computer. I hope you can forgive me!
Also next week you will not hear anything from me, because i am going to Lappland (jieeeha!) and will spend most of the time in national parks. I guess there will not be much time for posting stories. 🙁 But you will hear about all the things that happened for sure! Best and winterly greets from Tampere, derRené.
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