Schlagwort: Backcountry Camping
With my Travel Bike in Norway
After a quite challenging and busy summer term in university it was time to leave everyday life to experience another adventure. At least that was what i was thinking and since i have not had planned anything until the end of July i needed to be spontaneous. My list with travel destinations was still full,…
Cape Wrath Trail (Day 2)
Heja! This is the continuation of our hike in Scotland, which has started with Cape Wrath Trail Day 1. As promised I will let the pictures speak for themselves this time. I would really appreciate to receive your opinion about this form of blog post. Let me know whether you like it or if there…
Cape Wrath Trail (Day 1)
After Niels, my best buddy from high school, and me arrived to Edinburgh late in the evening, we tried to get a lift to Glasgow with the help of a cardboard sign. We hoped to get a place in a car that someone rented out but the people in the baggage claim area have not…